Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am a blogger?!?

Oh no what is this world coming to? I, Jenelle, am a blogger! I always thought blogs were cool but when I looked at all the cute blogs around I thought to myself: "self, now what do you have to blog about? You have no cute babies or terribly adorable toddlers, blogging's for the proud parent. But then I looked in the mirror said: I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and goodnight people like me ...and I too have something to share!" So here we are and I am now part of the modern civilization joining the great world of blogging. I'm a blogger! And so excited! So keep tuned!


CeeJ said...

Gosh darn it, people do like you. ;)

Michelle said...

Sorry I don't have much time to respond. But I am excited that you now have a blog and look forward to read what you will write. You have much to share and I am excited to read it.